可愛い舞妓さん、次々とやってきた!外国人観光客、びっくり!京都祇園。Cute maikos arrive one after another! Gion, Kyoto, Japan






Cute maiko came one after another! Foreign tourists are surprised! Gion, Kyoto, Japan.

[4k video 60fps] Every October, a traditional performance called “Onshukai” is held in Gion Kobu, Kyoto. This performance is a place where geisha and maiko of Gion Kobu perform beautiful dances handed down in the Inoue school of Kyomai, and is known as a seasonal feature that colors the autumn of Kyoto. In the autumn air full of the atmosphere of the ancient capital, maiko dressed in gorgeous kimonos appear one after another, and many spectators are fascinated by their pretty and elegant appearance. In particular, for tourists visiting from overseas, it is a rare opportunity to appreciate traditional Japanese performing arts up close, and they often cannot hide their surprise at its cultural richness and beauty.

The dances performed by maiko and geiko are not only beautiful, but also require advanced techniques honed through rigorous training. Their every move is imbued with the traditions that have been passed down for many years and the hard work they put in every day, and their graceful behavior and mannerisms touch the hearts of those who see them. In particular, the Inoue school of Kyomai is characterized by its supple movements and precise expressiveness, and the sight of the dancers on stage is filled with a sense of serenity and beauty, as if time had stopped.

The charm of the training session is not limited to the dance. The colorful kimonos and hair accessories worn by the maikos, as well as the carefully applied makeup, are also highlights. The costumes and outfits filled with traditional Japanese aesthetics are truly symbols of Japanese culture, and every moment is as beautiful as a painting. As the performance progresses, the audience is captivated by the cute yet elegant appearances of the maikos and geikos who appear one after another, and often exclaim in admiration.

In this way, the Gion Kobu training session is loved by many people as a representative autumn event in Kyoto. The moments when you experience this elegance and tradition leave a deep impression on the hearts of all visitors, both from Japan and abroad, and allow them to reaffirm the richness of Japanese culture.


  1. 温習会ですね、此が終われば、祇園踊り、先斗町、宮川町、上七軒、島原の太夫、京都の街が一斉に、花街何処へ行っても芸舞妓さんに逢えますよ⁉️😍🤩

  2. 「“昔の病気”ではない……「結核」で1500人超死亡、海外からの持ち込みで集団感染も マイコプラズマも流行」日テレ


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