【群馬】富岡どんとまつり2024 Gunma Tomioka Donto Festival

まつり2024 山車 お囃子や子供みこし
など多彩な催しがある祭りで 力強い掛け声と笑顔溢れる元気な姿に感動しました

The Tomioka Donto Festival 2024, held in Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture, was a festival featuring a variety of events, including floats, music, and children’s mikoshi. I was moved by the powerful shouts and energetic appearance full of smiles.
Thank you very much to everyone involved for your hard work.

Date Taken : 2024 / 10 / 19

#群馬県 #富岡市 #富岡どんとまつり #japan #gunma #tomioka #dontofestival #amazingfestival #energeticfestival #highlights

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