How One Family Lives in the Mountains Far from Civilization

In this video, we take you to the village of Samakova, nestled in the Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine, where the resilient family of Dmytro and Svitlana live far from the conveniences of modern civilization. Along with their children — Evgenia, Khrystyna, Ivan, Oleksiy, and Matviy— they have made a life on the mountain that offers breathtaking views and a unique connection to nature, balanced by hard work and simplicity.

Children from these mountain villages walk several kilometers to reach the nearest school. This daily journey is just one of the many ways these families embrace the realities of mountain life.

You’ll see Dmytro, Svitlana, and their children navigate the rugged terrain and prepare traditional meals. Watch as they cook a hearty lunch of borscht and buckwheat porridge, using simple ingredients and time-honored methods passed down through generations.

Living on the mountain means being resourceful. The family grows their own food, collects fresh water from nearby springs, and relies on their skills to survive the changing seasons. With no supermarkets or modern amenities, they have learned to adapt and thrive in their secluded environment. Their lifestyle is a testament to family bonds and the strength of the human spirit.

This video isn’t just about their daily chores or meals; it’s a story of resilience, love, and harmony with nature. You’ll witness how Dmytro, Svitlana, and their children embrace each day with gratitude, finding joy in the simple life. Whether they’re tending to animals, chopping firewood, or enjoying the stunning views, every moment reflects the unique life they’ve created.


  1. Yes, even women in the mountains like to treat themselves to little pleasures like a manicure – and why not? We show life exactly as it is. These people are not chasing modern trends of organic rural life; they were born and raised here, this is their everyday life. But, like everyone else, they also want to enjoy some modern conveniences 🙂

  2. Beautiful.. I’m from Moldova and as a child I used to spend the summer at our suburban home and had goats and chickens 🙂 and during school months lived in the city.. I have 4 kids now and live in the city and thinking to move back to the suburban area and have a cow and have the kids grow up in nature 🙂

  3. People that make comments about the mother unhappy about her life because the kids and the things she’s doing around the house because , viewers sees her bad mood what ever, i wanted to tell all the VIEWERS AROUND THE WORLD to shut hell up and mind their own business, i always give my wife a wonderful love and support and no matter what and give God our Lord Jesus Christ for this beautiful Mother and the work she’s doing everyday for her children’s.. Period…

  4. I truly love the behavior of these children, it was so when I was a child, eat your meal, no waste, appreciate that you have good food, no fussy eaters, hungry, healthy, grateful! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. I , reading the comments below;

    We , are very lucky – that these people who live in this very remote wilderness:
    And way of living:
    Are good enough to allow us to see how they are actually living.
    With all of those children:
    The way this woman is cutting wood with sn ax. Not too many people do this,
    And the comments I have read are about this woman – manicured – Nails –
    If she wants to get. Her Nails done
    Go for it – It’s her business!
    Not ours to say anything about it.

    If she was living in the city.
    And someone walked up to her and said
    Oh , did you get your nails done,
    You – would give them the
    Look ! And say it’s none of your business.
    So. People it’s none of our business either!

  6. Dmytro. ,,,,there are. Millions. Of. People who. Long. For. That. Simplicity of. Lifestyle. Country. Living. You. Have! The. Beauty and. Fertile. Soil !,,,man. I am. One. Of. Those Millions! Plant. Fruit. Orchards !!a. Little. Vineyard of. Grapes. ,,,,cherries. Etc ! I. Am from the. Caribbean. Island of. Trinidad and Tobago. 😊

  7. Porque vocês não descrevem onde é este lugar?? Eu acredito ser da Rússia por causa da igreja com aparência dos fimes do Aladin de Bagdá. Brincadeiras a parte, seria bom se falasse o local, Vi alguns vídeos nas montanhas da Ucrânia.

  8. Звичайна українська сімʼя. Кожен має право жити так, як сам вважає за потрібне, і це стосується всього: від місця проживання, стилю життя до дрібниць, таких як колір нігтів! Всім, кому сильно заїло те, який в господині манікюр – подивіться на свій і закрийте рот, бо то абсолютно не ваша справа, не ваше тіло – не ваше діло.

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