【埼玉】入間万燈まつり2024 Saitama Iruma Mandou Festival

埼玉県入間市で開催された入間万燈まつり2024 茶の花通りに伝統ある山車が集まり夕闇に万燈色に輝く姿はとても良かったです。

The Iruma Mandou Festival 2024 was held in Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture. Traditional floats gathered on Chonohana Street and the sight of them shining in the color of mandou in the twilight was truly beautiful.
Thank you very much to everyone involved.

Date Taken : 2024 / 10 / 26

#埼玉県 #入間市 #入間万燈まつり #japan #saitama #iruma #mandoufestival #amazingfestival #highlights

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