【4K】Hirai Castle (Gunma) / 平井城 (群馬)

Walk-through movie of Hirai Castle (平井城) that is a Japanese castle in Gunma pref. Located at edge of mountains and flat area at backward of Fujioka city, it is apart from center of Kozuke province but was close to Kamakura Kaido road that connected Kozuke and Echigo province to Kamakura area.
It consists of flat residence and mountain castle and was main base of Yamanouchi Uesugi clan that served Kanto Kanrei, the second highest position in Kanto region. But it declined by attack of Hojo clan and left the castle in 1552, and Hirai castle was abolished. Flat areas remains around peak of Kanayama mountain along with stone walls of turret gate.

0:00:00 Climbing Path / 登山道
0:10:20 Watching Point / 物見台
0:13:40 Gate / 虎口
0:15:20 Third Area / 三の丸
0:17:30 Secondary Area / 二の丸
0:18:30 Primary Area / 本丸
0:28:00 Well Area / 井戸曲輪
0:37:30 Turret Gate / 櫓門
1:03:40 Flat Castle Part /平城部分

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