こんな楽しい国、ほかにない!最高!外国人観光客が、思い切り日本の自然と文化を体験した!奈良公園。No other country as fun as Nara Park, Japan.



There is no other country as fun as this! It’s the best! Foreign tourists experience Japanese nature and culture to the fullest! Nara Park, Japan.

[4k video 60fps] Foreign tourists who visited Nara Park interacted with the deers to their heart’s content and were deeply moved by their free-spirited behavior. When they happily offered the deer crackers they were holding, the deer immediately approached them, and the tourists couldn’t stop smiling as they watched the deer mischievously rub their heads against them and gracefully walk around them. The time they spent playing with the deer was an unforgettable moment, as if they were children again, and they thought, “There is no other country where you can have such a unique and fun experience,” and they etched the time they spent in Nara’s beautiful nature and historical culture into their hearts as the best memories. This moment, packed with the charm of Japan, was the highlight of their trip, and they left Nara Park with regret, vowing to visit again.


  1. 欧米の観光客は、奈良の文化や歴史をリスペクトし、🦌と楽しくふれ合います、アジアの観光客は🦌を使い自分が映える写真を撮る事だけ、文化 歴史 興味無し

  2. 奈良公園近くのトイレの件😢女性トイレの便器の周りが大◯だらけ、こんな利用の仕方する人間がいるんだと驚きました😱

  3. みんな、ホンマにこんな状態がエエと思とるんか?






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