【香港獨家直航】GBA 香港直飛鳥取縣米子機場 現已開賣!

你問我 #鳥取 縣 #米子 有咩玩、有咩食、有咩做?睇我哋條片就知道啦!😉 鳥取和牛、紅楚蟹、鳥取砂丘、花火祭… 所有你哋想體驗、想食嘅都應有盡有~ #GBA 誠邀你哋一齊探索呢個寶藏地方!

由 2024 年 10 月 27 日起,#GBA 每星期都會有 3️⃣ 班航班由香港直飛米子*。想體驗不一樣嘅 #日本 文化?一於去擁有豐富特色嘅米子啦 ✈️~ 機票現已開賣,快啲去 GBA 官網預訂!

Curious about what to do, eat, and experience in #Tottori Prefecture #Yonago? Check out our video to find out! 😉 From Tottori Wagyu and Beni-zuwaigani to the Tottori Sand Dunes and fireworks festivals…everything you wish to experience and taste is available here! #GreaterBayAirlines invites you to explore this hidden gem with us.

Starting from 27 October 2024, GBA will fly you from Hong Kong to Yonago 3 times a week*. Want to immerse yourself in a unique Japanese culture? Come and discover the rich and diverse Yonago! ✈️ Tickets are now available.
Book now on the GBA official website!

#下一站米子 #想飛就飛 #TravelBetterTogether #大灣區航空
*有待相關政府批核。Subject to the Government’s approval.

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